Selma F. Bartlett Elementary School
Information for Volunteers
This video will help explain Clark County School District Regulation and Policy 4100 to parents and lay out the steps being taken to maintain appropriate relationships between students and staff. Additionally, it helps explain how parents can help keep students safe.
The application can be accessed at
Click on Volunteer and apply at location of interest.
For the 2022-2023 school year, only those volunteers who are likely to have “unsupervised contact”* with students must have a District ID badge. Volunteers who have “unsupervised contact” with children must renew their school-site approval and obtain a new sticker for their badge annually.
This process only applies to anyone seeking to volunteer who already has a district badge and isanticipated to or will have unsupervised contact with students during the 2022-2023 school year.
Volunteers who will have unsupervised contact with students but who do not have a valid district badge must apply to the district in Taleo and complete the required background checks prior to being issued abadge for the 2022-2023 school year.
Volunteers who need to renew their badge will contact schools directly to request to volunteer.
All volunteers must view the mandatory videos and acknowledge that they understand expectations for appropriate interactions with students within ten (10) business days of starting their service.
Best practice is to have volunteers complete training prior to beginning service.
Badged volunteers may be issued the renewal sticker for their badge upon completion of the training.
Volunteers who will not have unsupervised contact with students are not required to complete a background check and are not required to have a badge; however, principals must ensure that these volunteers have viewed the mandatory videos and acknowledged their responsibilities as a CCSD Representative.
Volunteers who have already received a renewal sticker for the 2022-2023 school year and CCSD employees that have already completed the required videos as part of their mandatory employment training are NOT required to watch the videos again at each school where they wish to volunteer.
CCSD Employees who also volunteer at a school, and will have unsupervised contact with students, must be approved by the school’s principal and must present their ELMS transcript as proof of training completion. Once verified, the principal or designee may add the volunteer to the list of badged volunteers for the school by emailing
Principals may require volunteers to participate in additional school specific orientation or training activities.
If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact your assigned TAT Director.
* “Unsupervised contact” is defined as direct contact or interaction with one or more students who are not under the direct supervision of an employee of the school district or other person designated by a public school as the person responsible for pupils. Students are considered under the direct supervision of an employee if the employee is present in the same room and has visual contact with the student or, if outdoors, is within 30 yards of the student OR has visual contact with the student. Incidental contact with students, such as walking through a hallway during passing period, is not considered “unsupervised contact”.
Rev. 7/7/2021

CCSD Volunteer Policy 4100
Volunteer Candidates Application Process
Volunteer ID Badge Annual Renewal Process